
Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sol!

Sol is 47... well 48, but really 47.

This picture is from his fishing trip in Minnesota back in September 2003. I arranged the surprise trip for him with our dear friend Bagzi. Wish he could go again!

Happy Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday Soliman :o)
    wishing you many happy returns and the best of health.


  2. happy birthday buddy, you look great in the picture, you are one year wiser now, wish you the best and your family.. Ghazi

  3. Dear Sol,
    Happy Birthday and many happy returns. I wish you many many happy birthdays you spend with your lovely family.

    Hanu, dont forget the Asida and the candles, heehee.
    Enjoy the day

  4. Thank you, Nasser, Ghazi and Soad, you're very kind. On birthdays I live by the principle of only young once but immature forever! I have no idea where Hana dug up those pictures, but they sure bring back memories. The fish is called "northern pike," and it looks prehistoric with a snakelike skin. It was September but windy and really felt cold. Bagzi couldn't make it, and it ended up being just me and the guide. Wasn't much fish biting, so we talked a lot, told weird stories. I told him I ate camel meat, which a lot of people find strange here. He told me he ate black bear twice. Gulp! Very fatty, he said, and the fat quickly turned very hard. Catching that pike really made it an official Minnesota fishing trip for me, and my buddy the bear consumer caught that moment. Thanks, guys. Thanks, Hannu.

  5. happy birthday to you
    happy birthday to you
    happy brthday to Sol..
    Happy birthday to you!!!

    3okbal 100 3am in sha`allah..

    Um Dania

  6. Happy Birthday dude, more to come.

  7. Thanks, Um Dania, I like the song! I didn't get a live one yet this year. We'll have a little party this weekend.

    And thank you, Tripoline. Where have you been hiding, man? Let me guess. Complete overhaul of all your machines? You know, you need a script that does that transparently so Nick doesn't catch the bug. But I guess that would be like buying prepackaged meat instead of butchering your own. Nah, get the boy some manuals, bib overalls, and of course, duct tape!

  8. hey hey hey!!!
    greetings from libya!

    Happy birth day from every one in here Uncle!

    i know that i am late, so sorry Uncle, but u know:مشوار لغاية الصمبورة... :D

  9. Hey, Scarlet, zaritna baraka! Thank you very much, honey, and no, you're not late.

    Love to you and the whole family,

