
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hey, Bedouin!

May you have all your heart's desires! One of them is the gift I'm still trying to locate... Bear with me as it could be quite some time before I can find it! In the meantime, here's a picture of a daylily called Bedouin Bride... May we see you a bride soon.

Happy birthday, my friend!


  1. My wonderful Friend,

    I’m speechless, though from sheer delight. This is the best surprise I received today :)

    Thank you my amazing extraordinary lady. May your days be filled with happiness and delight, always.

    An extra large hug to you and Sol and the kids

  2. Hey, Soad, thank you and best wishes for many more to come. Go tie one on! :-)

  3. Happy Birthday sereeb and many happy returns inshaAllah :o)

  4. Thanks folks, that’s overwhelming indeed. Blush, blush, sniffle, sniffle. The birthday spirit got me and I treated me self to A’sida bel Rub this morning, hehehe.

    A vanload of thanks and gratitude to you all.

    The Birthday Girl herself.

  5. Soad,

    I'm so glad the message was right on target :)

    Did you put a candle on the asida?

  6. Ohh, I forgot the candle! The A’sida was so yummy I completely forgot to light a candle. Hmm, I think I need to make another A’sida tomorrow, hee-hee.

  7. Dear Soad Happy birthday, next time I will try to join you in eaing the A'sida, I am very happy sweetie, wish you the best in the world, I'll try to call you soon, by the way send me you poting mail I will send you send some nice things...
    Thanks Hannu and Suleiman for this nice gesture..

  8. hi.. this is my chance to contact Sereeb and tell her :
    first, happy birthday and many more 3aseeda`s to come .. insha`allah..
    second, i really like your posts and enjoy them
    third, i like your stories (in your website) you`re such a wonderfull writer..
    and finally... emmm.. well nothing.. i just like to thank Hannu and Sol for this opportunity since i can not directly contact you...
    happy birthday again

    Um Dania

  9. Sereeb, Happy Birthday!!! Wish I could have wished u a happy birthday on your blog :)
