
Friday, December 24, 2010

The Comings and Goings of Years!

Monday was the annual Christmas caroling party at the Rigney's. It has become a family tradition of ours for 12 years now. We started Sol and I alone, then Moody joined followed by Tala 2 years later. This year, again, it coincided with the boy scouts super game. So Tala and I went to the Rigney's, while Moody and Sol went to the super games. I did not feel up to going, but did it for Tala who really wanted to dress up in her fancy dress and go. Later on, Ahmed and Sol surprised us by showing up at the party. Ahmed wanted to come so he split hi time between the 2 events. He even participated in the acting of Twelve Days to Christmas song.

I was not feeling well, so I decided to go home and they continue the party. Sol wanted to us all to leave, but I insisted. I arrived home and few minutes later they walk in behind me. Ahmed would not stay while "Mom is not here and might need our help!" Tender, caring Ahmed.

At the super games, he had to make a poster showing examples of a good citizen example is. He made one with four examples of being a good citizen: Toy Drive, Recycling, Being Fair, and Registering to Vote. They were all his ideas and activities he actually participated in, except for registering to vote, but he did go to me when I voted and I explained to him the registration and voting process and let hi push the voting buttons for me.

On Wednesday, Adel, Sol's Nephew, who is a grad student in Cleveland came to visit with his wife and four kids, Owayss, Mariam, Omar, and Aisha (cute Aisha). We wanted them to spend the night, but they were hesitant. It was the first time they visit and we meet, so we let them be. The kids had a lot of fun, playing and exchanging gifts. We had makaroona mbawkha that I made and magrood and ghrayba that they brought us. Mariam was crying and did not want to leave, and Tala wanted her to have a sleepover. Next time, we promised!

Afterward, I lied on the sofa to get some rest. Ahmed and Tala came and sat with me playing their DSi's to "keep me company" and "get me what I need". So sweet!

Yesterday, I got up at 6 am, had breakfast, then took a nice nap. Later the kids and I went out, put gas and air in the car--freezing my hands with thermal gloves, my feet, my nose and ears-- and went into the car wash. Off to the movies, we indulged in lunch and watched Tron in 3D... It was OK, but not great. The kids picked it and I didnot mind, just wanted to do it for them. I did not have a good day. I was so emotional, crying most of the time for no reason, looking around me and wondering how much longer is this going to last... I will miss my life when I go even though I'm not sure how could I "miss it" when I'm no longer there?! It is hard for others to understand what I'm going through, and it is hard for me to make them understand... It seems Tala and Ahmed are the closest to that--I take it as a blessing.

The gifts for friends and teachers are done finally and gone their way. The family New Year's gifts are boxed but still need to be wrapped and put under the tree. Maybe today. I think we are supposed to visit friends tonight, but my chemo brain is confusing me! I'll have to call Fatma.

The last 2 weeks I have reconnected with very old friends of more than 25 years ago through Face Book. It's been very nice to catch up with them and pick up from where we left. I hope we keep the connection as they were part of my life as a child, tween, teen and beyond.


  1. I was so touched Hanna. Don't think about what will happen. You have succeeded to have a great family, and you will continue to be with us forever. I personally believe in you and your resilience, you are an inspiration for all of us. Nothing will tarnish your glowing smile... smile

  2. God bless you dear! Happy holidays to you and your family.

  3. I appreciate your comment, Ghazi, with a smile :) BTW, is there a link between dehydration and depression?

    Teri, hope you are enjoying the season and got to share in the festivities with your family that celebrates Xmas. Happy new year to you and yours, dear.

  4. Well I just want to say ditto to Ghazi, and You sure know how to celebrate the holidays, no matter where you are!! You are a blessing to us all. Thank you for sharing you and your family.....such an inspiration! Love & Hugs.

  5. interested in this topic; could you provide a real-life example?
    Greeting : IT Telkom
