
Monday, November 29, 2010

Prophets and Gender... Question of the Week!

Yesterday we went to the Columbus Museum of Art (CMA). The kids were handed fragments of paintings had fun trying to identify the paintings the fragments belong to. We did some puzzles of paintings, read some, played some, and then off to Barnes and Nobles to check out some books.

Sol cooked bazeen for dinner. It was delicious. I have never tasted any bazeen like Sol's. The conversation around the dinner table was how Islam came about and how prophet Mohamed received the word of Allah and became so. We came to the part when Mohamed was greeted in Madina with the song "Tala'a al-badru", so I looked it up on you tube and played it. The kids liked it and listened to it many times.

Tala asked, "Are there any women prophets?" Ahmed was quick to answer, "Even if there were not, it does not mean that women do not do courageous things to our world!"

Late at night, Ahmed came to us and said that he could not fall asleep and wanted me to sing him that song again, Tala'a al-badru. I did and he went back to sleep.

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