
Monday, November 29, 2010

Prophets and Gender... Question of the Week!

Yesterday we went to the Columbus Museum of Art (CMA). The kids were handed fragments of paintings had fun trying to identify the paintings the fragments belong to. We did some puzzles of paintings, read some, played some, and then off to Barnes and Nobles to check out some books.

Sol cooked bazeen for dinner. It was delicious. I have never tasted any bazeen like Sol's. The conversation around the dinner table was how Islam came about and how prophet Mohamed received the word of Allah and became so. We came to the part when Mohamed was greeted in Madina with the song "Tala'a al-badru", so I looked it up on you tube and played it. The kids liked it and listened to it many times.

Tala asked, "Are there any women prophets?" Ahmed was quick to answer, "Even if there were not, it does not mean that women do not do courageous things to our world!"

Late at night, Ahmed came to us and said that he could not fall asleep and wanted me to sing him that song again, Tala'a al-badru. I did and he went back to sleep.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was here on Thursday, and we're still enjoying the long Holiday. This year, we shared it with the Kanouns at our place. It was peaceful and nice. Everyone contributed something. The best contributions were from 3-year-old Yaseen, and Ahmed.

We went around the table for everyone to say what they're thankful for. Yaseen said, "I'm thankful for marshmallows!" Ahmed's contribution was a pie of his own creation. He formulated the recipe and made it from scratch (except for the pie crust which I made for him).

The food was delicious; the ducks out of this world... I'm still craving more, but there was hardly any leftovers--glad to say! Here's a snapshot of the menu--recipes coming soon to Chez Hannu:

Fruit and Nut Salad
Cranberry Relish
Pumpkin Relish
Pomegranate Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Madras Cauliflower
Rice with Nuts
Roasted Ducks; Corn; Potatoes Casserole
Pecan Tart
Moody's Pie

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stuffing Season!

This year has gone by so fast! The Holidays are here already and that means the year is over. Eid al-Adha (meat Eid), in which most muslims stuff themselves with meat, just passed. And now we are getting ready for Thanksgiving in which most Americans stuff themselves with turkey. We are lucky that we observe both, though not the stuffing part!

We didn't do anything special this Eid. It was during the week with school and work as usual. Eid day, Moody dressed up in his dress shirt, ties dress pants, farmella (Libyan traditional jacket) and shanna (Libyan hat). I thought it was cute, but then he changed into a regular jacket to go to school with. Once he entered school, he took the hat off since they are not allowed in schools. The principal saw him and told him that he could keep it on for the occasion. He appreciated that.

The week before Eid was the end of the first school period and report cards were out and time for the teacher-parent conferences. We were pleasantly surprised, especially with Tala's, the quiet one. Her teacher started by saying, "Let me put it this way: Tala is always right!" Wow! Moody's teachers had a lot to say about him and how they love having him in the class. His home-room teacher said she enjoys the most having conversations with Moody in the hallway outside the classroom. Way to go kiddos! I am one very proud parent.

Planning and preparations started for Thanksgiving. At the same time, we're contemplating going for a second opinion on my case. It was recommended that we either go to New York or Houston. I'm hesitant... I'm just tired and want to be done. The nausea, fatigue and other side effects are interfering with my life and causing me to lose more weight (as if I have much left)... I just want to be done. This time I'm getting a 3-week break from chemo because of the holidays. Next visit, the doctor will look at the CT-Scan and recommend a way forward. I hope it is no more chemo for a while, though I doubt it.

Think positive, change the tone... Moody wrote this song and he's waiting for his cousins, Loui and Shatha, to bring sounds to it.