
Friday, August 27, 2010

New Beginnings!

This is the password hint in my computer. The kids have tried everything they could think of to figure out the password puzzle to no avail!

Yesterday was Tala's 8th birthday. She had a good time. Baked cupcakes with Nicole the day before and took them to school to share. Later we went to Toys'R'Us for gifts and ended up with dinner at Brio, It was delicious, Gorgonzola crusted lamb chops!

Monday, Generations dance classes started. It will be a busy year for us with Tala in 4 dances, Moody in 2, and Sol in 1. Wednesday, was the first day of school. The kids are happy and excited to be back... It's about time!

There might be new beginnings at work, I hope! And hopefully more good news with my health after this cycle of treatment. The chemo is getting to me!

This post reminds me of the first post on out blog when we started it in 2005, Here it is: First day... in many ways!

Everyday is a first day for something, and there's always a first to everything... So here goes to new beginnings! Keep guessing the passwords kiddos; you will never get it!

1 comment:

  1. Sol's dance is the Fathers' dance. So much fun and video taped too. Wait till May!
