
Saturday, June 05, 2010

رسائل لبابا... 3

Hana, Abdelrahim and Safia, Westerville, OH, October 31, 2008
Good morning, Baba.

This is an article I came a cross about how cancer changed the daughter-parent relationship. It is a topic I always thought about since you came to stay by my side after my diagnosis. Seeing the pain and helplessness you and Mama had to deal and cope with pained me more than anything else. Actually, most times it hurt me and worried me more than my cancer diagnosis. I wanted to share this with you and Mama hoping it will ease your pain, all of our pain, and help us cope with the situation and understand the emotional turmoil involved.

Maybe one day I will write my own experience. I'm just not ready for it yet as things are still jumbled in my head and my life... One thing at a time!

I love you both!


Read the article here: Mum and Dad helped me survive cancer Blogger Lisa Lynch and her parents tell Viv Groskop how her breast cancer changed their adult-child relationship...

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