
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Message 2: Update on Hana's Surgery

From: Suliman Dregia
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 9:53:31 PM
Subject: Update on Hana's Surgery

Dear family & friends:

Thank you for the strong support that you have given to Hana and me, it makes a big difference. I also want to apologize for missing some phone calls and not replying to e-mail and phone messages. The last couple of days have been stressful but there is also a lot of good to tell you about.

The surgery was yesterday afternoon, as scheduled, and it went very well. There were no surprises and no complications. The doctor found the tumor and took out the stomach, but he was quite positive about visual examination of other organs and tissue. He did not see any signs of spreading or abnormalities in other nearby organs. Of course they took some lymph nodes and other tissue and those are under testing now. She did not need to go to the ICU, did not need a feeding tube, did not bleed much, and did not need drainage tubes out of her belly. Hearing the doctor's report was very uplifting to all of us.

Hana has been recovering very well. She is actually doing better than she did in previous surgeries. She walked around the 9th floor today, three times, doing several laps each time. Her dad was joking that she might be jogging tomorrow!

It is almost 10 pm now, and I am spending the night with Hannu. She is relaxed, the pain is under control. She is positive and mentally sharp, smiles at my jokes and giggles with her eyelashes. Our next goal is feeding, hopefully within a couple days, then maybe dinner and a movie.

Some of you asked for Hana's room number, etc. Here is the info:

Room 934
James Cancer Hospital
300 W. 10th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

Please note that the hospital does not allow live plants or open food products.

We are fortunate to be in your thoughts. Many thanks.

I will keep you posted.



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