
Friday, January 25, 2008

Faces of Public Deception

Los EngaƱadores!

This week, the (US non-profit) Center for Public Integrity published the results of a study on the deception campaign orchestrated by the Bush administration to rally public opinion in favor of waging war on Iraq. They report that Bush & Co made over 900 "false statements " (aka lies) in the period between the 9/11/01 bombings and the 3/19/03 invasion of Iraq. The chart below illustrates how the deception grew and peaked right before the invasion.

And here is a breakdown of the individual shares of the offenders.

George W. Bush, President.........................260 (238 @ WMD & 28 @ al-Qaeda links)
Colin Powel, Sec. of State...........................254 (244 + 10)
Donald Rumsfeld, Sec. of Defense............109
Ari Fleischer, WH Press Sec......................109
Paul Wolfowitz, Dep. Sec. of Defense.......85
Condoleezza Rice, Nat. Sec. Adviser........56
Dick Cheney, Vice President......................48
Scott McClellan, WH Press Sec.................14


You can fool some of the people some of the time... Is it any wonder that a woman and a black man are running for president? This year, running against the Republicans, even Mickey Mouse would have a significant chance.


  1. This post is linked by the online Wall Street Journal, on the very bottom of their Best of the Web page (lol lol). It says "No Title" instead of giving the title-- the wonders of "artificial" intelligence! lol lol

    WSJ Page

  2. There was a saying that people lie most after a hunt, during a war and before elections. However, the graphic shows that there was more lying immediately BEFORE the war than during it. Interesting :-).
    Talking seriously, my sources also say that even Mickey Mouse will beat the Republicans at the coming elections. And I don't like this situation. Because in my country, we have said many times that we are so fed up with the rule of X party that we'll vote for Y party even if it nominates a donkey. And our experience has shown that in these cases, Y party typically does nominate a donkey and the donkey is elected, with all the consequences...
