
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dregias Thanksgiving menu:
  • Turkey
  • Peach and mango chutney
  • Gravy
  • Rice with lamb, almonds, pine nuts, and raisins
  • Candied yams
  • Green beans casserole
  • Baked potato casserole
  • Cranberry poppyseed salad
  • Pecan pie
  • Pumpkin pie (Moody is officially a fan now!)
Guests: Taher, Alicja and Lec and 'drum roll'... BODO!

I went shopping yesterday after work; got home and started cooking while Sol went to fetch us dinner. I cooked the rice with the nuts, sweet potatoes, and baked potato casserole. Moody commented "It already smells like Thanksgiving!" The kids are so excited that Alicja... or Bodo is coming. They have been checking the dining room, anxious to see it set up and take part in that. Last night they wanted to "practice sitting for Thanksgiving dinner." They are also making a list of what they are thankful for.

I am off to finish cooking, shine the silver, and set the table... to be continued!

Today, Sunday, ends the 5-day long Thanksgiving festivities. Good times were had with our guests on Thursday, especially Bodo! He found it in his heart (or tummy) to make peace with Sol. He used to bark at Sol really hard when Sol got home from work and Bodo was here. He did that to me, but not as aggressively as he did to Sol.

I didn't bake any pies this year. We bought both the pumpkin and pecan pies. Moody said he prefers the pumpkin pie I baked last year. Next year I will have to do better at that.

At the dinner table, Moody announced that we need to say the Thanksgiving prayer. He made us all hold hands around the table and he led:

Mashed potatoes
Turkey and gravy
Sweet potatoes
All that stuff
It doesn't matter
The thing that matters is that everybody is here!

Taher was off to take a place in line in front of Best Buy at 11pm so he'll make the 5 am opening with those sweet deals. They call it Black Friday, and it boggles my mind why! I hate shopping in regular days, let alone when people spend the night outside of stores to beat the rest of the crowd.

We did some shopping of our own; got a new Dell for the basement with all the cool gadgets and Windows Vista. A very nice toy. We have a total of 7 computers in the house! Two of them are going out for sure once we clean them of data. Friday's highlight was Sesame Street Live. The kids had a blast, so did we. Saturday was movie night , Shrek the Third, and pizza.

Tala said of Thanksgiving "It was the best time ever!"


  1. Hope everything went as planned, can't wait to read more on T&M's exciting happy thanksgiving day adventure! Did either one mention the Turky in their list of thanks? lol

  2. While the page was uploading I was not sure if I was on the right page, maybe I went to the Peacock NBC website by mistake :-) Beautiful drawing, it should be framed " I am being serious" . Happy Thanksgiving to your family, guests and the readers of your blog.

  3. Ben, they are both bogging us nonstop about when you guys are coming? We need to talk. Call us if we don't.

    Tariq, NBC is probably the only one we watch besides PBS. Thanks for the wishes and same to you.
