
Friday, June 01, 2007

Yeppi, Tala!

Today was Tala's graduation ceremony/commencement. She graduated from pre-school, going to kindergarten next year. Oh, sweet Lalla! She is not a baby anymore... I love the way she is growing, but I miss her being the baby she was. She is one smart cutie pie. She reads words; she writes; she ARGUES using logic; she's very linguistically articulated. For her age, she is way out there off the chart. And I am one very lucky, happy, proud Mama.

I was not there at the graduation, just like I was not there at Moody's graduation last year. Why the heck do they make it on Friday morning when they know most parents work! I keep saying, "I missed my kids' first graduation!"

Next weekend is my graduation ceremony. Tala enters the formal education realm as I exit it.


  1. This a big Mabrouk from uncle Ghazi, may we see you a great woman one day. all the best

  2. Ghazi: I read your comment to Tala, and here is what she said after asking me where you live,"Thanks. I wish you can come to my birthday someday. But you wanna live in England so much. I wish you come to my birthday. The end."
