
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh, The Snow!

It's been snowing since last night and predicted to continue through tomorrow. I love it! It is not as cold as last week. I might go out with the kids later to spend some energy playing with the snow. Schools are closed again after opening just for Friday and Monday. I like it when the kids stay home for the first day or two, but after that, we run out of entertainment options and start getting on each other's nerves. Especially when it's too cold to go anywhere.

This morning we to get Sol's car from the clinic's parking lot. He left it there when he and the kids picked me up after the endoscopy yesterday since I was sedated and couldn't drive. The endoscopy went fine with good results. It was a relief. I was worried especially not knowing what caused the trouble I had 4 years ago that led to ileostomy. The roads were terrible with a possible speed of 35 miles an hour, even on the highway. But the drive was nice with the snow falling and everything white. I love winter!

I forgot to mention that the pipes are unclogged! I heard a gurgling sound yesterday so I ran up the stairs to the bathroom, and YES, the tub was draining. And no leakage of water any where!

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