
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Of War and People

Last Friday, NPR's All Things Considered featured a segment about the southern Lebanese village, Qawza, and an interview with a couple who were there when the Israelis arrived. The couple talked about the contradicting actions of two groups of Israeli soldiers. Listen here

Abi Elias, the interviewee, passed on this message to an Israeli soldier: "Thank you, my son... I don't know what is your name, but I know you are a gentleman; you are a good fellow; you are a good man."

On the other group of soldiers, Abi Elias says, "They are not army, they are like 'junkestan' army."

The story doesn't make the puzzle of the war any easier to solve. I still think about Moody's question of who are the bad guys and who are the good guys. I answered him then that in war there aren't necessarily bad guys and good guys. What do I tell him if I am to attempt an answer? There's this good guy, with his soldiers unit, who are on the side of the bad guys who killed many civilians in Lebanon. Those bad guys are fighting the other bad guys in Lebanon who claim to be fighting for the good guys in Lebanon. There are the other good guys in Lebanon, and the Arab world, who are chanting their support for the bad guys who caused the destruction of Lebanon and loss of civilian lives. Those good guys hold the leader of the bad guys as their hero...

Does Hezbollah Stand for Arab Pride? A commentary of All things Considered by Adeed Dawisha, an Iraqi-American professor of political science at Miami University, OH. Dawisha says of the contemporary Arab condition, “Simply put, it is a region that suffers from a perceptible achievement deficit. A region mired by authoritarian rule so suffocating of the creative spirit that it leaves people desperately clutching at the slightest bit of accomplishment that comes their way.” more here

1 comment:

  1. Hanu, yes I noticed many are happy to put aside any uneasiness they might have with Shia mentality because Hizbollah is standing up to Israel.
    Arabs so much want to have someone to look up to.
