
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Singin' in the Rain... In Fort Wayne

Today, I started my assignment at GE. Not much to say about it yet, but so far so good. I'll be flying to Louisville, KY, next week for meetings with the CEO and CIO. All the interns will be there, forty two of us representing twenty one universities. Oh, my assignment leader is a guy called Hanu!

The drive to Fort Wayne took me less than three hours; it was nice and relaxing; farms, cows, lots of cows, and Amish warning signs! Ft. Wayne is shabby and has this old industrial aura to it. Brick square buildings with cobblestone roads. It seems like I have traveled back in time. The GE offices are on top of their manufacturing facility, and the shortest way to get to the offices is to walk through the factory.
That's Eli in the picture in GE's Ecomagination commercial Singin' in the Rain. It's my favorite, of course. Really, imagination at work! Click here to watch the video.

I miss the kids and Sol... did my share of weeping when I arrived at the empty apartment yesterday. The kids didn't care much that I was leaving; they probably think it's like my other "leavings." It will sink in eventually. Sol thinks it's the price for teaching them to be independent and have no preference to one parent, kind of go with the flow and whoever is watching them.

Friday, is Moody's graduation party... From preschool! I'll miss it. It's his birthday too, yeppie! I'm driving back on Friday, after work, and we're having the party on Saturday. I'm also taking my finals on Saturday morning and I better get some studies done!

Miss you, guys! xox

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