
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just to fill the gap...

I don't really have much to write. We've all been extremely busy and it's tiring! I participated in the Fisher Case Competition last Friday; last minute thing. I was there on Friday, working with 3 others in my team whom I didn't know before, from 8am till after midnight. Saturday was the presentation day. I was there from 7:30 am till 5! Still trying to recover.

Moody and Tala, here in the picture, coloring a flowers picture "Just for you, Mom!" That's been Moody's project for two days now. Moody was insisting on using only red "Because it's your favorite color, Mom." Today, he asked, "Is it OK if Dad uses green?" and I gave the green!

I was talking to someone today and it hit me that I'll be 40 pretty soon! I wonder if that's the reason why I feel tired more often and takes me longer to recover from it. I don't mind the age as long as my health remains the same. I like the wisdom that comes with age... ehem!

Got overwhelming responses for Tibra, from judges and in donations, but no nominations yet! I'm still hopeful.

Time to rest... long day tomorrow!

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