
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What a Wonderful Time!

Darth Nader
Star Wars freaks!
Nick et al left on Monday and Tala and Moody had a real long nap after school. They did a lot during the weekend, from watching Star Wars, to playing Star Wars, tea parties, and Cinderella. Nick is a Star Wars fan himself, and that broke the age barrier between him and Moody. The boys were two Darth Vaders look- and sound-alike with the lightsabers, helmets, and voice changers; princess Leia was there too and joined in the fights!

Tea Party!
Tea Party
Tala, on the other hand, wouldn't leave Nick alone for a minute. If he's out of her sight, she starts calling at the top of her lungs, "NIIIIICK!" The amazing thing is that he didn't seem to mind; he would just roll his eyes and hurry to her every single time! Of course, how could he resist such a charm as hers! What a patient pleasant guy himself. He's now no longer the "yother" Nick, simply Nick! Got upgraded, I guess. I have noticed that Nick, the moose, has been dropped; he even lost his spot on her bed! Poor fluffy thing!

Easton's huge tree!
At Easton
The Bazeen was another adventure. Nick surprised us by how much he ate from it! As for the rest, a picture is worth more than thousand words... Look for yourself, the most expressive is this one with the notes from "big" Moody. Nick, Nikki, and AmuZam (he he he,) your visit has become a favorite yearly event to us.

Today is the kids' last day of school. Tala is going with her friend Morgan after school today. When Morgan's mom told her that Tala will be coming with her after school, Morgan didn't like it and said she wants Tala to have a sleep over not to come and play. We gotta do that soon!


  1. Those are great photos Hanu and the bazeen looks delicious. By the way I noticed how Tala has grown so much taller mashallah. She is a pretty kid you know :). Have a great holdiday. hugs H.

  2. Hey, Highlander, I just wanted to throw in a little clarification: When it comes to Bazeen, Hanu is strictly a consumer not a producer. That's all my work, missy! And I'll add, it is second to none. So, anytime that you, Hanu, or the whole league of Libyan women want to have a bazeen cooking contest, just say the word!

    Having said all of that, now I just dug myself even deeper into the commitment I made earlier to cook it for tonight's dinner. But it's all worth the effort.

    Another calrification: Tala gets her height from Dad, but the cute dimples I can't really claim. Yeah, she got those from Grandpa Naas, lol lol, Hanu was just the go between!

    Happy new year.
