
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A White Thanksgiving

Tala's Turkey

Turkey birds are different.
From sea to shining sea,
And you'll never see another bird
Like this one to you from me.

Can you see what makes him different?
Do you need some helpful hints?
I made him from my very own
Thumbs and fingerprints!!!

Thanksgiving--our favorite holiday! It's the holiday the whole country celebrates with us. And... it's snowing, and we're enjoying it! The kids can't contain themselves; they so much want to play outside. I told them we would if the weather gets better later; it's a bit windy and freezing now. Today's low is 30°F, high is 35°; it's now 21° with the wind chill... brrrr! Tomorrow's expected to be 30° to 15° with more snow.

Moody's yellow belt ceremony is today. And the turkey is arriving today.

White Thanksgiving!
Dregias Thanksgiving menu:

- Turkey
- Gravy
- Peach and mango chutney
- Rice with almonds, and pine nuts
- Green beans casserole
- Yams (maybe. Nobody likes them here!)
- Pecan pie



  1. Happy thanksgiving Hanu :)

  2. Magda, now whenever there's snow you come to mind! he he he... consider all snow pictures a gift for you!

    We don't like pumpkin pies; who does! The alternative we would eat is Kathy's pumkin cheese cake... It's really yummy. If you try my pecan pie (actually it is a tart but we keep calling it a pie) you wouldn't ask about anything else.

  3. Magda, you're welcome anytime, but if you promise to take all the snow with you, then we'll pay your airfare!

    I also wanted to note (proudly) how well Tala writes at her age. She wrote her name on that artwork above. That little girl definitely has the hands of Midas, the Greek guy not the muffler shop!

  4. To solve your problem, you can take the kids too along with the snow... lol!

  5. Hi, Magda, no problem, and thank you for all your thoughts. Seriously, if you ever come to these parts, make sure it's early fall (Sep-Oct) the most beautiful time of year, I think, by far. Now it is -6 °C and dropping!
