
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Settling Down!

It's the time of the year when things settle down and we get in a routine. It is nice to have that back this year. Last year was choas, but it was also nice in its own way -- kind of bitter and sweet. I was sick just out of surgery, but Mama and Baba were here and so were Anas and Juju.

The kids and I went to the Fall Fest at Whittier on Friday evening. Then Moody went with Nicole for a sleepover with Logan. Tala got so upset and was crying for a while saying that she misses Moody, and the howuse is not the same without him--true! We tucked her in bed, but then found her sleeping on the stairs later at night. Sweet Lalla!

Sol went to the OSU game on Saturday with Esayed. Tala and I went to the mall for some shopping. Tala thought it was so rude of Victoria's Secret to show women in their undies and in big posters! "So gross!" She kept saying. Yep, agree. Later we met with Nadia and Zainab and the kids for lunch. Moody joined us too and we ran into Shebra. It was a nice, unplanned get together.

Today, Ann Rigney came over with her two grandsons, Corey and Evan. The kids played together for a couple of hours, had lunch, and then we headed out to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in 3D. It was OK; the kids loved it.

I'm still contemplating whether to sign the kids up for dance his year or not. I need to decide today! Things are getting too busy for me at work. I'm heading two major projects besides everyday work and the little things here and there. The company is going through a major re-org which we're calling Transformation, and I'm leading one of the workstreams of the Purchasing Transformation Journey. It's very demanding and challenging, and I love it. I'm enjoying my job to the fullest and am very pleased with my manager. I owe the challenge and the high visibility I'm getting to him--he's awesome! Sol is going through a major change at work as well. They will be moving from the quarter system to a semester ,and that involves a lot of work on his end to prepare the new curriculum. Oh, what fun!

Tala learnt about producers and consumers last week at school. She was telling us about that and said "I told Mrs. Loefertt that we are producers since we grew tomatoes and peppers in our yard. And then we become consumers when we eat them." Very smart, Loli! She wants to go to a knitting class at the library and knit a sweater with a heart on it for me. I promised to take her to the class. She reminds me of when I was young and used to knit hats and scarves myself. Oh, what days!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Strictly Speaking...

I finally remembered to take the camera, to put this baby on record.

It's no mistake, they really mean it.

...computers are dummer than people. Right?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Perfect Fall Day!

Baba turned 80 today! Happy birthday, Baba!

We had awesome weather today, sunny and crisp with not so much wind. The temperature was about 58° F (~15°C). It was the perfect day for the farm trip with the girl scouts. We went to Farmville, uh I mean Devine Farms, about 45 minutes east of Columbus. Moody lost his way in the corn maze and he and Luke had to find a way out through the corn. The trip was very refreshing, and the kids had loads of fun. Check out the airbrushed pumpkins down below.

Tomorrow it will be exactly one year from the day Mama and Baba arrived in Columbus. This time last year, Anas and Juju were here with us. We had such good times with Anas and Juju, as well as Mama and Baba. We all miss them a lot. Moody and Tala still talk about their siblings, remembering those days, and they love wearing their clothes.

October the 15th will be a year since my surgery--how time flies! I can say I have come a long way in terms of recovery. And my family has come a long way in terms of coping.

Last night, the boys kicked me out of my room, so they could have a sleepover! I slept in Moody's room.

I have a busy week ahead of me! I will be in a workshop for 3 days, then going out of town on Wednesday and coming back Friday evening. Work never slows down, it only moves in one direction--up!

The kids just went to bed. Moody is so happy... He kept telling me I'm his favorite Mom! And I kept reminding him that I'm his only Mom! He just now told me that I'm his favorite person in the whole world, and that I'm always calm! lol Sweet Moody!

Oh, and Obama got the Nobel Prize for Peace?! What's up with that?! And, I was disappointed with the LCROSS lunar impact images, kind of expected more; though it is remarkable to be around when such events take place.


Sunday, October 04, 2009

Family Days!

Tala graduated in Girl Scouts from Daisy to a Brownie! The bridging ceremony took place on Thursday, at Innis Woods--on the bridge! They served them brownies for dessert. Here she is eating her brownie.

On Friday, Tala and I had a sleepover. We kicked Sol out of our room, to sleep in Tala's, and Tala slept in my room. It was really nice; the first time we do that since she was a baby! The next morning, the kids ran with the camera into Tala's room while Sol was sleeping and shot a picture of him in Tala's bed. They think it was really funny that he was sleeping in a girlie room on a girlie bed--kids!

Yesterday was Family Day at my work. It was the first time the kids and Sol visit my place of work. The occasion was to celebrate the recent $33m investment in Mount Vernon, the Energy headquarters. There was also a ceremony on Thursday that was attended by Ted Strickland, governor of Ohio, and the mayor of Mount Vernon. The Family Day was full of fun--face painting, petting zoo, pony and wagon rides, bouncy inflatables, baton twirlers, plant tours, etc. The kids liked my office, and they were happily pleased to see that I have their artwork on display. There's been a lot going on at work lately. Too many changes, all to the better, and I'm loving it. My responsibilities have increased tremendously, and I'm enjoying every ounce of what I'm doing.

I'm trying to get into a Sunday routine where I do cooking for the week, laundry, and some cleaning around the house. It hasn't been easy though. I had planned to cook beans stew (طبيخة فاصوليا), lasagna, and Tebahaj. On top of that, we had a lot of peppers in the garden that needed picked up and turned into emsayer (امصير). I started cooking around 9 am. Of course, the kids were all over me. Tala was starving to death, and wanted some hash browns--whining! Moody wanted to go to the movies and see Toy Story 2 in 3D, nagging non-stop! I made Tala hash browns, of course she didn't eat them, and came complaining after a short while that she is starving to death! And Moody couldn't stop nagging about the movie. ألهم طولك ياروح!

Finally, the kids gave up and started helping instead. Moody cleaned out the basement, and picked some of the peppers from the garden. Tala picked the rest of the peppers and helped me wipe the countertops in the kitchen. I finished cooking, did the bills, and emsayer (my hands are burning!), but couldn't get to the tebahaj! Oh well, next time. And all in between all of that, I was taking care of my farm, in farmville, with help from the kids, harvesting, plowing and planting... oh, what fun!

Now that the kids realized I'm done with cooking and cleaning, whining and nagging is at its best again! I'll let them be; I have to fold the laundry, then do some work I brought home with me.