
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Painful Sighs

Just back from the airport. Anas and Jana have left. Their flight was yesterday, November 12, but the Columbus-NY airplane had a mechanical problem and was called off. Now they're gone... and it hurts.

Yesterday, we all went to the airport, including Nicole, the nanny. Sol, me, Moody, Tala, Mama and Baba. Today, it was only me and my parents.

Moody cried so much at the airport yesterday. I didn't think he would. Tala did too after she saw Moody crying. On Sunday, I told Moody that we will miss Anas and Juju, and he said, "I already miss them!" This morning, he was hugging me every few minutes and saying "Please don't cry at the airport today."

Their leaving happened so quickly. October 24, I decided to let them go after learning that I will have to go through six months of chemotherapy and radiation. I thought them leaving is best for everyone, especially since they wanted to go. I wouldn't have sent them if they didn't want to go.

They have spent exactly 4 months and 13 days with us. We are now part of their lives and they are part of our life. They have left. But, they now have rich memories, and family love and connection. Nobody and nothing can ever take that away from them, or us.

I hope they come back soon...



  1. Dear Hana, sorry to hear about your illness, I wish you a speedy and quick recovery, I know that with a lively and gracious heart as yours, and with the support of your great family you will beat this, you are an inspiration to all of us and you will always be. Be good, stay good.

  2. I hope they come back soon too.

    wish you the best and Allah with you.

  3. Thank you, Ghazi. I'm touched! And thanks for the email too.

    Thanks, AL.
