
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

From Ennis!

مَلَكٌ يَرِفُّ عَلى سَريري
يَحْنُوْ بأَنْفَاِس الْعِبيرِ
سِرُّ الإلَهِ بِمُقْلَتَيْهِ
وَنَعيِمُهُ في راحَتَيْهِ
أغْلَى مِنَ الدُّنْيَا عَلَيَّا
وأَحَبُّ مَخْلُوقٍ إلَيَّا
أفْدِي الْمَلاكَ السَّاهِرا
قَلْباً عَلَيَّ ونَاَظِراَ
لَو كُنْتُ يوماً شَاعِرا
أَبْدَعْتُ أَجْمَلَ ما تُغَنِّي
عُصْفُورَةٌ في مِثْلِ سِنِّي
وَسَقَيْتُ ضُوَءَ الْفَجْرِ لحني
وحمَلْتُ أُغْنِيَتي لأُمي
أَحْلى أَنَاشيِد الْهَوى قُبُلاتُ أَمِّي

Mother's Day

The kindest face I'll ever see,
The kindest voice I'll ever hear.
The one who cares the most for me
Is my own mother dear.

All through the year
I'll try to do
The things that show
My love for you.
And not be happy just to say,
"I love you, Mother," on Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. that is very beautiful, both Arabic & English.
    Happy mother's day.
