
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Heading West

I'm way behind in keeping up with birthdays and this blog! The gang visited me the weekend before last... time is just flying, I wish it could slow down a bit! The kids were very excited and puzzled by the apartment. Tala asked "Where's the upstairs?" many times, and Moody kept asking about the basement. It eventually sunk in that there was no upstairs and no basement.

This past weekend I drove to Columbus and "chilled" out with them... but not enough. I still cry every time I leave or they leave! Damn, it's not easy! To add to this, Sol and I are not on the same page... come the weekend and I want to do all the things I missed with the family, while he wants a break from all the handling and the hustle and the bustle of the week. At least, we both see that and recognize it. Hopefully we'll figure the point to meet in the middle before we go nuts, or nutter should I say!

Magda M., here is your request!

Next weekend is a long one, extended till the 4th of July. The gang is coming to Ft. Wayne on Fri. and we're heading to Chicago! Chicago has been on our list for a while, since the Sharks moved there... Well, here we come! We all can't wait... Sol and I are looking forward to the wonderful company Meem and T offer; the kids, who knows what the real reason is... Moody confuses khwaila Meem with the Toothfairy... lol. Is it because she's his Godmother or because of the gifts she sends him by mail?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Magda. The Amish cult members I saw in Indiana seemed a little more open than some of the folks I have seen here in Ohio. So there seems to be a range, but they are generally still closed and though not aggressive, they are quite unfriendly by my standards. Their kids are basically inert, not interactive from what I saw, not even with one another. A lot of them don't even speak English to each other. I heard that one of the fundamental Amish principles is not to use anything that's not mentioned in their Bible, which I suspect is written in Dutch. I always wonder whether they think Jesus spoke in Dutch. If not, then why do they? That makes quite clear to me what the underlying motives are. The only thing I like about these cults is the wonderful job they do in presenting organized religion in its true (pure), concentrated form, which is basically a driving force for exclusion based on a quirky sense of rationality that is defined by a frozen convention. The Amish and others like them are the living truth about the man-made calamity called religion. I say, more power to them, but not too much power!
