
Friday, October 07, 2005

Rough Times...

What a week!

Moody is not adjusting to the changes in our routine very well. We are still working on that. He does very well with us, but not so well with care-givers. The previous note from his teacher 10-4.jpg was very upsetting and alarming. He literally walked out of school--wanted to come home! He is looking for ways to make me stay home. "I don't want you to go to school," he said in more than one occasion. Sweet Moody, I wish life works the way you want... unfortunately it does not. My heart aches at the thought of what he's going through!

Grad school, though interesting, is very hard and challenging, and it is taking a toll on me with all the stress at home. Now is the time of the quarter where everything is fast-paced and assignments are piling up.

Ramadan! It is another factor for the rough times. It is a reminder of home, family, and many other things that we miss. Truth is, Ramadan does not land lightly on our household.

It's Movie Friday Night; Flubber or Mulan. We are all looking forward to it. I hope this and the weekend bring some peace to our minds and hearts.

Thanks to the friends who left us phone or email messages! We promise to get back to you soon. We just can't find the time nor the mind to do it now.

Ramadan kareem!


  1. kul 3am wantee bkheir hannah :) from e!manie from ottawa. yin3ad 3laiki inshallah.... take good care of yourself and those you love.

  2. Hello e!manie! Long time no talk! Ramadanek mubarak too, and the family. Apologies for the food pics ;-) but they were posted before Ramadan... just avoid them!

  3. Dear Hana

    Don't worry me and my younger brothers did that to my mom when she took classes as a short awhile he probabily boast that his mom is doing a MBA. :))

    magda x
