
Monday, October 31, 2005


Pirate and the Sweet!
Jack Sparrow and Cinderella


Getting Ready!

Conor, Luke, and Moody
Conor, Luke, and Moody

Tala, Hailey, and Kaitilin
Tala, Hailey (Luke's sister), and Kaitilin (Conor's sister)

Lisa, Tala, and Kathy
Lisa (Luke's mom), Tala, and Kathy (Conor's mom)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, guys, this is Dad. [I had to login as dregias because my other login wasn't working.]

    The pics look great. I think you have the best boy's costume, Moody. I love the hair, too! Tala, you look beautiful, even better than any Cinderella that I've ever seen.

    Dad is having fun, almost all done. I will be back tonight, get to Cols at 8:30 or so. Miss you, Hanu, love you guys, gotta go.
